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Monday, March 21, 2011

Continuing the Facebook discussion

The Harvard Business Review posted an interesting blog regarding some tactics for capturing new customers. Interesting growing trends (crowdsourcing and check-ins) foster even more interaction between business and customers. Check-ins, in particular, will become more popular as smartphones proliferate the market.

Additionally, Facebook will probably reach their tentacles into two other areas: online video content and ecommerce. With online video content, Facebook plans to compete with Netflix and Hulu (among others) to offer streaming video of movies and television shows. We'll see if this is just a feeler of if they aggressively pursue content rights.

On the ecommerce side, some larger retailers have created online storefronts on Facebook. JCPenney, for example, put their entire catalog on Facebook.

- Brian Sonnenberg

Monday, March 14, 2011

8 Powerful & Inexpensive Desktop Design Apps

Click to check out great ways to update photos and other promotional materials.

What are your thoughts? Do you think you will use these Design apps?

Happy Monday Everyone!

Have a great week,


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do you have an app for that?

Over the past several months, many of you have asked about apps for the iPhone and other devices. While United Hardware doesn't have a specific app, many vendors do!

I just got an iPhone last night and started exploring. Perhaps you could share a few of the apps below with your customers. Here's the incomplete, short list:

Valspar 'Project Paint'
Customers can search for colors, plan a job and find a store (free app).

Scotts 'My Scotts Lawn'
This app details the Scotts lawn program and shares video tips. Customers can also keep a profile for their lawn (free app).

Weber 'On the Grill'
The app shares hundreds of recipes, and also allows customers to form a grocery list or start a grill timer (cost, $4.99). See Weber's online description.

Many, many more probably exist. In fact, you may find helpful, third-party home improvement apps not necessarily associated with vendors. Share them with your customers on your website and via social media. It'll empower your patrons and position you as the expert.

If you've found other useful apps, comment on this post and share them!

- Brian Sonnenberg

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Twitter: Tips to increase your following

Twitter is a little newer although it has gained momentum quickly. The social media site has been 'branded' (so to speak) as a microphone for celebrities; however, it could provide a more functional benefit.

Twitter is a great public relations/educational tool. Educationally, it organizes information efficiently for users by allowing them to sift through posts and explore personally relevant ones.

To help you, here are 10 suggestions to help you increase your Twitter following. And, you may want to avoid the 'bonus tip.'

- Brian Sonnenberg

Wednesday, March 2, 2011